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  • BankSharedPoolLib






  • new BankSharedPoolLib(programId: PublicKey, connection: Connection, wallet: Wallet): BankSharedPoolLib
  • Parameters

    • programId: PublicKey
    • connection: Connection
    • wallet: Wallet

    Returns BankSharedPoolLib


connection: Connection
program: Program<BankSharedPool>


  • addFeePayerAndRecentBlockHashInTransaction(tx: Transaction, feePayer: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Add signature in the transaction.


    • tx: Transaction

      Transaction object where signature needs to add.

    • feePayer: PublicKey

      Public key of the address which going to pay the fee.

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • addSignatureInTransaction(tx: Transaction, signerAddress: PublicKey, signature: Buffer): Transaction
  • Add signature in the transaction.


    • tx: Transaction

      Transaction object where signature needs to add.

    • signerAddress: PublicKey

      Signer public key from which secret key transaction is signed.

    • signature: Buffer

      Signed transaction message signature.

    Returns Transaction

  • addSolDepositEventListener(callback: ((event: SolDepositEvent) => void)): number
  • Add sol deposit event listener.


    Returns number

  • Add sol distribution event listener.


    Returns number

  • addSolSpendEventListener(callback: ((event: SolSpendEvent) => void)): number
  • Add sol spend event listener.


    Returns number

  • addSolWithdrawEventListener(callback: ((event: SolWithdrawEvent) => void)): number
  • Add sol withdraw event listener.


    Returns number

  • Add token deposit event listener.


    Returns number

  • addTokenSpendEventListener(callback: ((event: TokenSpendEvent) => void)): number
  • Add token spend event listener.


    Returns number

  • Add token withdraw event listener.


    Returns number

  • createAddSolDepositSupplyTransaction(bankName: string, amount: number, supplyProvider: PublicKey, solSigningAuthority: PublicKey, payer: PublicKey, systemProgram?: PublicKey, rent?: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create add sol deposit supply transaction.


    • bankName: string

      Bank name for the pda seed.

    • amount: number

      Amount to add in deposit pool.

    • supplyProvider: PublicKey

      Supply provider public key whom adding the deposit supply in the pool.

    • solSigningAuthority: PublicKey

      Sol signing authority public key.

    • payer: PublicKey

      Transaction fee payer public key.

    • systemProgram: PublicKey = SystemProgram.programId

      System program id.

    • rent: PublicKey = SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY

      Rent program id.

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createAddSolDistributionSupplyTransaction(bankName: string, amount: number, supplyProvider: PublicKey, solSigningAuthority: PublicKey, payer: PublicKey, systemProgram?: PublicKey, rent?: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create add sol distribution supply transaction.


    • bankName: string

      Bank name for the pda seed.

    • amount: number

      Amount to add in distribution pool.

    • supplyProvider: PublicKey

      Supply provider public key whom adding the distribution supply in the pool.

    • solSigningAuthority: PublicKey

      Sol signing authority public key.

    • payer: PublicKey

      Transaction fee payer public key.

    • systemProgram: PublicKey = SystemProgram.programId

      System program id.

    • rent: PublicKey = SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY

      Rent program id.

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createAddTokenDepositSupplyTransaction(tokenMintAccount: PublicKey, bankName: string, amount: number, supplyProvider: PublicKey, tokenSigningAuthority: PublicKey, payer: PublicKey, tokenProgram?: PublicKey, associatedTokenProgram?: PublicKey, systemProgram?: PublicKey, rent?: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create add token deposit supply transaction.


    • tokenMintAccount: PublicKey

      Token mint account public key

    • bankName: string

      Bank name for the pda seed.

    • amount: number

      Amount to add in deposit pool.

    • supplyProvider: PublicKey

      Supply provider public key whom adding the deposit supply in the pool.

    • tokenSigningAuthority: PublicKey

      Token config signing authority public key.

    • payer: PublicKey

      Transaction fee payer public key.

    • tokenProgram: PublicKey = TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      Token program id.

    • associatedTokenProgram: PublicKey = ASSOCIATED_TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      Associated token program id.

    • systemProgram: PublicKey = SystemProgram.programId

      System program id.

    • rent: PublicKey = SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY

      Rent program id.

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createAddTokenDistributionSupplyTransaction(tokenMintAccount: PublicKey, bankName: string, amount: number, supplyProvider: PublicKey, tokenSigningAuthority: PublicKey, payer: PublicKey, tokenProgram?: PublicKey, associatedTokenProgram?: PublicKey, systemProgram?: PublicKey, rent?: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create add token distribution supply transaction.


    • tokenMintAccount: PublicKey

      Token mint account public key

    • bankName: string

      Bank name for the pda seed.

    • amount: number

      Amount to add in distribution pool.

    • supplyProvider: PublicKey

      Supply provider public key whom adding the distribution supply in the pool.

    • tokenSigningAuthority: PublicKey

      Token config signing authority public key.

    • payer: PublicKey

      Transaction fee payer public key.

    • tokenProgram: PublicKey = TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      Token program id.

    • associatedTokenProgram: PublicKey = ASSOCIATED_TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      Associated token program id.

    • systemProgram: PublicKey = SystemProgram.programId

      System program id.

    • rent: PublicKey = SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY

      Rent program id.

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createBankConfigTransaction(bankName: string, bankSigningAuthority: PublicKey, payer: PublicKey, systemProgram?: PublicKey, rent?: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create bank config transaction.


    • bankName: string

      Bank name for the pda seed.

    • bankSigningAuthority: PublicKey

      Bank singing authority public key.

    • payer: PublicKey

      Transaction fee payer public key.

    • systemProgram: PublicKey = SystemProgram.programId

      System program id.

    • rent: PublicKey = SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY

      Rent program id.

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createDepositSolTransaction(bankName: string, amount: number, depositFrom: PublicKey, user: PublicKey, solSigningAuthority: PublicKey, payer: PublicKey, systemProgram?: PublicKey, rent?: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create deposit sol transaction.


    • bankName: string

      Bank name for the pda seed.

    • amount: number

      Deposit amount.

    • depositFrom: PublicKey

      Public key of the account which adding the deposit.

    • user: PublicKey

      Public key of the user for which deposit is added.

    • solSigningAuthority: PublicKey

      Sol signing authority public key.

    • payer: PublicKey

      Transaction fee payer public key.

    • systemProgram: PublicKey = SystemProgram.programId

      System program id.

    • rent: PublicKey = SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY

      Rent program id.

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createDepositTokenTransaction(tokenMintAccount: PublicKey, bankName: string, amount: number, depositFrom: PublicKey, user: PublicKey, tokenSigningAuthority: PublicKey, payer: PublicKey, tokenProgram?: PublicKey, associatedTokenProgram?: PublicKey, systemProgram?: PublicKey, rent?: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create deposit token transaction.


    • tokenMintAccount: PublicKey

      Token mint account public key

    • bankName: string

      Bank name for the pda seed.

    • amount: number

      Deposit amount.

    • depositFrom: PublicKey

      Public key of the account which adding the deposit.

    • user: PublicKey

      Public key of the user for which deposit is added.

    • tokenSigningAuthority: PublicKey

      Token signing authority public key.

    • payer: PublicKey

      Transaction fee payer public key.

    • tokenProgram: PublicKey = TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      Token program id.

    • associatedTokenProgram: PublicKey = ASSOCIATED_TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      Associated token program id.

    • systemProgram: PublicKey = SystemProgram.programId

      System program id.

    • rent: PublicKey = SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY

      Rent program id.

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createDistributeSolTransaction(bankName: string, amount: number, solSigningAuthority: PublicKey, user: PublicKey, payer: PublicKey, systemProgram?: PublicKey, rent?: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create distribute sol transaction.


    • bankName: string

      Bank name for the pda seed.

    • amount: number

      Distribution amount.

    • solSigningAuthority: PublicKey

      Sol signing authority public key.

    • user: PublicKey

      User public key.

    • payer: PublicKey

      Transaction fee payer public key.

    • systemProgram: PublicKey = SystemProgram.programId

      System program id.

    • rent: PublicKey = SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY

      Rent program id.

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createDistributeSolWithoutUserTransaction(bankName: string, amount: number, solSigningAuthority: PublicKey, user: PublicKey, payer: PublicKey, systemProgram?: PublicKey, rent?: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create distribute sol without user transaction.


    • bankName: string

      Bank name for the pda seed.

    • amount: number

      Distribution amount.

    • solSigningAuthority: PublicKey

      Sol signing authority public key.

    • user: PublicKey

      User public key.

    • payer: PublicKey

      Transaction fee payer public key.

    • systemProgram: PublicKey = SystemProgram.programId

      System program id.

    • rent: PublicKey = SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY

      Rent program id.

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createDistributeTokenTransaction(tokenMintAccount: PublicKey, bankName: string, amount: number, tokenSigningAuthority: PublicKey, user: PublicKey, payer: PublicKey, tokenProgram?: PublicKey, associatedTokenProgram?: PublicKey, systemProgram?: PublicKey, rent?: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create distribute token transaction.


    • tokenMintAccount: PublicKey

      Token mint account public key

    • bankName: string

      Bank name for the pda seed.

    • amount: number

      Distribution amount.

    • tokenSigningAuthority: PublicKey

      Token signing authority public key.

    • user: PublicKey

      User public key.

    • payer: PublicKey

      Transaction fee payer public key.

    • tokenProgram: PublicKey = TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      Token program id.

    • associatedTokenProgram: PublicKey = ASSOCIATED_TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      Associated token program id.

    • systemProgram: PublicKey = SystemProgram.programId

      System program id.

    • rent: PublicKey = SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY

      Rent program id.

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createDistributeTokenWithoutUserTransaction(tokenMintAccount: PublicKey, bankName: string, amount: number, tokenSigningAuthority: PublicKey, user: PublicKey, payer: PublicKey, tokenProgram?: PublicKey, associatedTokenProgram?: PublicKey, systemProgram?: PublicKey, rent?: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create distribute token without user transaction.


    • tokenMintAccount: PublicKey

      Token mint account public key

    • bankName: string

      Bank name for the pda seed.

    • amount: number

      Distribution amount.

    • tokenSigningAuthority: PublicKey

      Token signing authority public key.

    • user: PublicKey

      User public key.

    • payer: PublicKey

      Transaction fee payer public key.

    • tokenProgram: PublicKey = TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      Token program id.

    • associatedTokenProgram: PublicKey = ASSOCIATED_TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      Associated token program id.

    • systemProgram: PublicKey = SystemProgram.programId

      System program id.

    • rent: PublicKey = SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY

      Rent program id.

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createInitializeMainConfigTransaction(mainSigningAuthority: PublicKey, payer: PublicKey, systemProgram?: PublicKey, rent?: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create initialize main config transaction.


    • mainSigningAuthority: PublicKey

      Main main signing authority public key.

    • payer: PublicKey

      Transaction fee payer public key.

    • systemProgram: PublicKey = SystemProgram.programId

      System program id.

    • rent: PublicKey = SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY

      Rent program id.

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createSolConfigTransaction(bankName: string, isMaxWithdrawEnable: boolean, isMinWithdrawEnable: boolean, maxWithdraw: number, minWithdraw: number, incomeAccount: PublicKey, solSigningAuthority: PublicKey, bankSigningAuthority: PublicKey, payer: PublicKey, systemProgram?: PublicKey, rent?: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create sol config transaction.


    • bankName: string

      Bank name for the pda seed.

    • isMaxWithdrawEnable: boolean

      Is max withdraw enable.

    • isMinWithdrawEnable: boolean

      Is min withdraw enable.

    • maxWithdraw: number

      max withdraw amount.

    • minWithdraw: number

      min withdraw amount.

    • incomeAccount: PublicKey

      Income account public key.

    • solSigningAuthority: PublicKey

      Sol config signing authority public key.

    • bankSigningAuthority: PublicKey

      Bank singing authority public key.

    • payer: PublicKey

      Transaction fee payer public key.

    • systemProgram: PublicKey = SystemProgram.programId

      System program id.

    • rent: PublicKey = SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY

      Rent program id.

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createSpendSolTransaction(bankName: string, amount: number, incomeAccount: PublicKey, solSigningAuthority: PublicKey, user: PublicKey, payer: PublicKey, systemProgram?: PublicKey, rent?: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create spend sol transaction.


    • bankName: string

      Bank name for the pda seed.

    • amount: number

      Spending amount.

    • incomeAccount: PublicKey

      Public going to get the amount.

    • solSigningAuthority: PublicKey

      Sol signing authority public key.

    • user: PublicKey

      User public key.

    • payer: PublicKey

      Transaction fee payer public key.

    • systemProgram: PublicKey = SystemProgram.programId

      System program id.

    • rent: PublicKey = SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY

      Rent program id.

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createSpendSolWithoutUserTransaction(bankName: string, amount: number, incomeAccount: PublicKey, solSigningAuthority: PublicKey, user: PublicKey, payer: PublicKey, systemProgram?: PublicKey, rent?: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create spend sol without user transaction.


    • bankName: string

      Bank name for the pda seed.

    • amount: number

      Spending amount.

    • incomeAccount: PublicKey

      Public going to get the amount.

    • solSigningAuthority: PublicKey

      Sol signing authority public key.

    • user: PublicKey

      User public key.

    • payer: PublicKey

      Transaction fee payer public key.

    • systemProgram: PublicKey = SystemProgram.programId

      System program id.

    • rent: PublicKey = SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY

      Rent program id.

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createSpendTokenTransaction(tokenMintAccount: PublicKey, bankName: string, amount: number, incomeAccount: PublicKey, tokenSigningAuthority: PublicKey, user: PublicKey, payer: PublicKey, tokenProgram?: PublicKey, associatedTokenProgram?: PublicKey, systemProgram?: PublicKey, rent?: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create spend token transaction.


    • tokenMintAccount: PublicKey

      Token mint account public key

    • bankName: string

      Bank name for the pda seed.

    • amount: number

      Spending amount.

    • incomeAccount: PublicKey

      Public key of the account which going to get the amount.

    • tokenSigningAuthority: PublicKey

      Token signing authority public key.

    • user: PublicKey

      User public key.

    • payer: PublicKey

      Transaction fee payer public key.

    • tokenProgram: PublicKey = TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      Token program id.

    • associatedTokenProgram: PublicKey = ASSOCIATED_TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      Associated token program id.

    • systemProgram: PublicKey = SystemProgram.programId

      System program id.

    • rent: PublicKey = SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY

      Rent program id.

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createSpendTokenWithoutUserTransaction(tokenMintAccount: PublicKey, bankName: string, amount: number, incomeAccount: PublicKey, tokenSigningAuthority: PublicKey, user: PublicKey, payer: PublicKey, tokenProgram?: PublicKey, associatedTokenProgram?: PublicKey, systemProgram?: PublicKey, rent?: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create spend token without user transaction.


    • tokenMintAccount: PublicKey

      Token mint account public key

    • bankName: string

      Bank name for the pda seed.

    • amount: number

      Spending amount.

    • incomeAccount: PublicKey

      Public key of the account which going to get the amount.

    • tokenSigningAuthority: PublicKey

      Token signing authority public key.

    • user: PublicKey

      User public key.

    • payer: PublicKey

      Transaction fee payer public key.

    • tokenProgram: PublicKey = TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      Token program id.

    • associatedTokenProgram: PublicKey = ASSOCIATED_TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      Associated token program id.

    • systemProgram: PublicKey = SystemProgram.programId

      System program id.

    • rent: PublicKey = SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY

      Rent program id.

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createTokenConfigTransaction(tokenMintAccount: PublicKey, bankName: string, isMaxWithdrawEnable: boolean, isMinWithdrawEnable: boolean, maxWithdraw: number, minWithdraw: number, incomeAccount: PublicKey, tokenSigningAuthority: PublicKey, bankSigningAuthority: PublicKey, payer: PublicKey, tokenProgram?: PublicKey, associatedTokenProgram?: PublicKey, systemProgram?: PublicKey, rent?: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create token config transaction.


    • tokenMintAccount: PublicKey

      Token mint account public key

    • bankName: string

      Bank name for the pda seed.

    • isMaxWithdrawEnable: boolean

      Is max withdraw enable.

    • isMinWithdrawEnable: boolean

      Is min withdraw enable.

    • maxWithdraw: number

      max withdraw amount.

    • minWithdraw: number

      min withdraw amount.

    • incomeAccount: PublicKey

      Income account public key.

    • tokenSigningAuthority: PublicKey

      Token config signing authority public key.

    • bankSigningAuthority: PublicKey

      Bank singing authority public key.

    • payer: PublicKey

      Transaction fee payer public key.

    • tokenProgram: PublicKey = TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      Token program id.

    • associatedTokenProgram: PublicKey = ASSOCIATED_TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      Associated token program id.

    • systemProgram: PublicKey = SystemProgram.programId

      System program id.

    • rent: PublicKey = SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY

      Rent program id.

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createUpdateSolConfigTransaction(bankName: string, isMaxWithdrawEnable: boolean, isMinWithdrawEnable: boolean, maxWithdraw: number, minWithdraw: number, incomeAccount: PublicKey, solSigningAuthority: PublicKey, payer: PublicKey, systemProgram?: PublicKey, rent?: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create update sol config transaction.


    • bankName: string

      Bank name for the pda seed.

    • isMaxWithdrawEnable: boolean

      Is max withdraw enable.

    • isMinWithdrawEnable: boolean

      Is min withdraw enable.

    • maxWithdraw: number

      max withdraw amount.

    • minWithdraw: number

      min withdraw amount.

    • incomeAccount: PublicKey

      Income account public key.

    • solSigningAuthority: PublicKey

      Sol config signing authority public key.

    • payer: PublicKey

      Transaction fee payer public key.

    • systemProgram: PublicKey = SystemProgram.programId

      System program id.

    • rent: PublicKey = SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY

      Rent program id.

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createUpdateTokenConfigTransaction(tokenMintAccount: PublicKey, bankName: string, isMaxWithdrawEnable: boolean, isMinWithdrawEnable: boolean, maxWithdraw: number, minWithdraw: number, incomeAccount: PublicKey, tokenSigningAuthority: PublicKey, payer: PublicKey, tokenProgram?: PublicKey, associatedTokenProgram?: PublicKey, systemProgram?: PublicKey, rent?: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create update token config transaction.


    • tokenMintAccount: PublicKey

      Token mint account public key

    • bankName: string

      Bank name for the pda seed.

    • isMaxWithdrawEnable: boolean

      Is max withdraw enable.

    • isMinWithdrawEnable: boolean

      Is min withdraw enable.

    • maxWithdraw: number

      max withdraw amount.

    • minWithdraw: number

      min withdraw amount.

    • incomeAccount: PublicKey

      Income account public key.

    • tokenSigningAuthority: PublicKey

      Token config signing authority public key.

    • payer: PublicKey

      Transaction fee payer public key.

    • tokenProgram: PublicKey = TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      Token program id.

    • associatedTokenProgram: PublicKey = ASSOCIATED_TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      Associated token program id.

    • systemProgram: PublicKey = SystemProgram.programId

      System program id.

    • rent: PublicKey = SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY

      Rent program id.

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createWithdrawSolTransaction(bankName: string, amount: number, receiver: PublicKey, user: PublicKey, solSigningAuthority: PublicKey, payer: PublicKey, systemProgram?: PublicKey, rent?: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create withdraw sol transaction.


    • bankName: string

      Bank name for the pda seed.

    • amount: number

      Withdraw amount.

    • receiver: PublicKey

      Public key which going to get the amount.

    • user: PublicKey

      User public key.

    • solSigningAuthority: PublicKey

      Sol signing authority public key.

    • payer: PublicKey

      Transaction fee payer public key.

    • systemProgram: PublicKey = SystemProgram.programId

      System program id.

    • rent: PublicKey = SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY

      Rent program id.

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createWithdrawSolWithoutUserTransaction(bankName: string, amount: number, receiver: PublicKey, user: PublicKey, solSigningAuthority: PublicKey, payer: PublicKey, systemProgram?: PublicKey, rent?: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create withdraw sol without user transaction.


    • bankName: string

      Bank name for the pda seed.

    • amount: number

      Withdraw amount.

    • receiver: PublicKey

      Public key which going to get the amount.

    • user: PublicKey

      User public key.

    • solSigningAuthority: PublicKey

      Sol signing authority public key.

    • payer: PublicKey

      Transaction fee payer public key.

    • systemProgram: PublicKey = SystemProgram.programId

      System program id.

    • rent: PublicKey = SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY

      Rent program id.

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createWithdrawTokenTransaction(tokenMintAccount: PublicKey, bankName: string, amount: number, receiver: PublicKey, user: PublicKey, tokenSigningAuthority: PublicKey, payer: PublicKey, tokenProgram?: PublicKey, associatedTokenProgram?: PublicKey, systemProgram?: PublicKey, rent?: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create withdraw token transaction.


    • tokenMintAccount: PublicKey

      Token mint account public key

    • bankName: string

      Bank name for the pda seed.

    • amount: number

      Withdraw amount.

    • receiver: PublicKey

      Public key of the account which going to get the amount.

    • user: PublicKey

      User public key.

    • tokenSigningAuthority: PublicKey

      Token signing authority public key.

    • payer: PublicKey

      Transaction fee payer public key.

    • tokenProgram: PublicKey = TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      Token program id.

    • associatedTokenProgram: PublicKey = ASSOCIATED_TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      Associated token program id.

    • systemProgram: PublicKey = SystemProgram.programId

      System program id.

    • rent: PublicKey = SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY

      Rent program id.

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createWithdrawTokenWithoutUserTransaction(tokenMintAccount: PublicKey, bankName: string, amount: number, receiver: PublicKey, user: PublicKey, tokenSigningAuthority: PublicKey, payer: PublicKey, tokenProgram?: PublicKey, associatedTokenProgram?: PublicKey, systemProgram?: PublicKey, rent?: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create withdraw token without user transaction.


    • tokenMintAccount: PublicKey

      Token mint account public key

    • bankName: string

      Bank name for the pda seed.

    • amount: number

      Withdraw amount.

    • receiver: PublicKey

      Public key of the account which going to get the amount.

    • user: PublicKey

      User public key.

    • tokenSigningAuthority: PublicKey

      Token signing authority public key.

    • payer: PublicKey

      Transaction fee payer public key.

    • tokenProgram: PublicKey = TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      Token program id.

    • associatedTokenProgram: PublicKey = ASSOCIATED_TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      Associated token program id.

    • systemProgram: PublicKey = SystemProgram.programId

      System program id.

    • rent: PublicKey = SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY

      Rent program id.

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • getAllBankConfigAccountData(): Promise<ProgramAccount<DecodeStruct<{ fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "bankSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "mainSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "solSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "tokenSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserSolAction" } }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserTokenAction" } }]; kind: "struct" }, DecodedHelper<[{ name: "UserSolAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }, { name: "UserTokenAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }], EmptyDefined>>>[]>
  • Get all bank config accounts pda data.

    Returns Promise<ProgramAccount<DecodeStruct<{ fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "bankSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "mainSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "solSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "tokenSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserSolAction" } }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserTokenAction" } }]; kind: "struct" }, DecodedHelper<[{ name: "UserSolAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }, { name: "UserTokenAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }], EmptyDefined>>>[]>

  • getAllDepositPoolAccountData(): Promise<ProgramAccount<DecodeStruct<{ fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "bankSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "mainSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "solSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "tokenSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserSolAction" } }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserTokenAction" } }]; kind: "struct" }, DecodedHelper<[{ name: "UserSolAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }, { name: "UserTokenAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }], EmptyDefined>>>[]>
  • Get all deposit pool accounts pda data.

    Returns Promise<ProgramAccount<DecodeStruct<{ fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "bankSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "mainSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "solSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "tokenSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserSolAction" } }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserTokenAction" } }]; kind: "struct" }, DecodedHelper<[{ name: "UserSolAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }, { name: "UserTokenAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }], EmptyDefined>>>[]>

  • getAllDistributionPoolAccountData(): Promise<ProgramAccount<DecodeStruct<{ fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "bankSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "mainSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "solSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "tokenSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserSolAction" } }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserTokenAction" } }]; kind: "struct" }, DecodedHelper<[{ name: "UserSolAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }, { name: "UserTokenAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }], EmptyDefined>>>[]>
  • Get all distribution pool accounts pda data.

    Returns Promise<ProgramAccount<DecodeStruct<{ fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "bankSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "mainSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "solSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "tokenSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserSolAction" } }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserTokenAction" } }]; kind: "struct" }, DecodedHelper<[{ name: "UserSolAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }, { name: "UserTokenAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }], EmptyDefined>>>[]>

  • getAllMainConfigAccountData(): Promise<ProgramAccount<DecodeStruct<{ fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "bankSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "mainSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "solSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "tokenSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserSolAction" } }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserTokenAction" } }]; kind: "struct" }, DecodedHelper<[{ name: "UserSolAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }, { name: "UserTokenAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }], EmptyDefined>>>[]>
  • Get all main config accounts pda data.

    Returns Promise<ProgramAccount<DecodeStruct<{ fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "bankSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "mainSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "solSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "tokenSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserSolAction" } }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserTokenAction" } }]; kind: "struct" }, DecodedHelper<[{ name: "UserSolAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }, { name: "UserTokenAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }], EmptyDefined>>>[]>

  • getAllSolConfigAccountData(): Promise<ProgramAccount<DecodeStruct<{ fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "bankSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "mainSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "solSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "tokenSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserSolAction" } }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserTokenAction" } }]; kind: "struct" }, DecodedHelper<[{ name: "UserSolAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }, { name: "UserTokenAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }], EmptyDefined>>>[]>
  • Get all sol config accounts pda data.

    Returns Promise<ProgramAccount<DecodeStruct<{ fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "bankSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "mainSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "solSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "tokenSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserSolAction" } }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserTokenAction" } }]; kind: "struct" }, DecodedHelper<[{ name: "UserSolAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }, { name: "UserTokenAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }], EmptyDefined>>>[]>

  • getAllTokenConfigAccountData(): Promise<ProgramAccount<DecodeStruct<{ fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "bankSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "mainSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "solSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "tokenSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserSolAction" } }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserTokenAction" } }]; kind: "struct" }, DecodedHelper<[{ name: "UserSolAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }, { name: "UserTokenAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }], EmptyDefined>>>[]>
  • Get token config accounts pda data.

    Returns Promise<ProgramAccount<DecodeStruct<{ fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "bankSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "mainSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "solSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "tokenSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserSolAction" } }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserTokenAction" } }]; kind: "struct" }, DecodedHelper<[{ name: "UserSolAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }, { name: "UserTokenAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }], EmptyDefined>>>[]>

  • getAllUserSolAccountData(): Promise<ProgramAccount<DecodeStruct<{ fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "bankSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "mainSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "solSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "tokenSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserSolAction" } }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserTokenAction" } }]; kind: "struct" }, DecodedHelper<[{ name: "UserSolAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }, { name: "UserTokenAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }], EmptyDefined>>>[]>
  • Get all user sol config accounts pda data.

    Returns Promise<ProgramAccount<DecodeStruct<{ fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "bankSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "mainSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "solSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "tokenSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserSolAction" } }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserTokenAction" } }]; kind: "struct" }, DecodedHelper<[{ name: "UserSolAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }, { name: "UserTokenAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }], EmptyDefined>>>[]>

  • getAllUserTokenAccountData(): Promise<ProgramAccount<DecodeStruct<{ fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "bankSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "mainSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "solSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "tokenSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserSolAction" } }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserTokenAction" } }]; kind: "struct" }, DecodedHelper<[{ name: "UserSolAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }, { name: "UserTokenAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }], EmptyDefined>>>[]>
  • Get all user token config accounts pda data.

    Returns Promise<ProgramAccount<DecodeStruct<{ fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "bankSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "mainSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "solSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "tokenSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserSolAction" } }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserTokenAction" } }]; kind: "struct" }, DecodedHelper<[{ name: "UserSolAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }, { name: "UserTokenAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }], EmptyDefined>>>[]>

  • getBankConfigAccountData(bankConfigAccountPDA: PublicKey): Promise<DecodeStruct<{ fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "bankSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "mainSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "solSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "tokenSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserSolAction" } }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserTokenAction" } }]; kind: "struct" }, DecodedHelper<[{ name: "UserSolAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }, { name: "UserTokenAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }], EmptyDefined>>>
  • Get bank config account pda data.


    • bankConfigAccountPDA: PublicKey

      Bank config account pda for data.

    Returns Promise<DecodeStruct<{ fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "bankSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "mainSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "solSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "tokenSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserSolAction" } }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserTokenAction" } }]; kind: "struct" }, DecodedHelper<[{ name: "UserSolAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }, { name: "UserTokenAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }], EmptyDefined>>>

  • getBankConfigAccountPDAAndBump(bankName: String): Promise<[PublicKey, number]>
  • Get bank config account pda and bump.


    • bankName: String

      Bank name for the pda seed.

    Returns Promise<[PublicKey, number]>

  • getDepositPoolAccountData(depositPoolAccountPDA: PublicKey): Promise<DecodeStruct<{ fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "bankSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "mainSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "solSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "tokenSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserSolAction" } }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserTokenAction" } }]; kind: "struct" }, DecodedHelper<[{ name: "UserSolAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }, { name: "UserTokenAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }], EmptyDefined>>>
  • Get deposit pool account pda data.


    • depositPoolAccountPDA: PublicKey

      Deposit pool account pda for data.

    Returns Promise<DecodeStruct<{ fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "bankSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "mainSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "solSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "tokenSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserSolAction" } }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserTokenAction" } }]; kind: "struct" }, DecodedHelper<[{ name: "UserSolAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }, { name: "UserTokenAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }], EmptyDefined>>>

  • getDistributionPoolAccountData(distributionPoolAccountPDA: PublicKey): Promise<DecodeStruct<{ fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "bankSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "mainSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "solSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "tokenSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserSolAction" } }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserTokenAction" } }]; kind: "struct" }, DecodedHelper<[{ name: "UserSolAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }, { name: "UserTokenAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }], EmptyDefined>>>
  • Get distribution pool account pda data.


    • distributionPoolAccountPDA: PublicKey

      Distribution pool account pda for data.

    Returns Promise<DecodeStruct<{ fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "bankSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "mainSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "solSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "tokenSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserSolAction" } }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserTokenAction" } }]; kind: "struct" }, DecodedHelper<[{ name: "UserSolAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }, { name: "UserTokenAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }], EmptyDefined>>>

  • getMainConfigAccountData(mainConfigAccountPDA: PublicKey): Promise<DecodeStruct<{ fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "bankSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "mainSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "solSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "tokenSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserSolAction" } }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserTokenAction" } }]; kind: "struct" }, DecodedHelper<[{ name: "UserSolAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }, { name: "UserTokenAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }], EmptyDefined>>>
  • Get main config account pda data.


    • mainConfigAccountPDA: PublicKey

      Main config account pda for data.

    Returns Promise<DecodeStruct<{ fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "bankSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "mainSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "solSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "tokenSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserSolAction" } }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserTokenAction" } }]; kind: "struct" }, DecodedHelper<[{ name: "UserSolAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }, { name: "UserTokenAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }], EmptyDefined>>>

  • getMainConfigAccountPDAAndBump(): Promise<[PublicKey, number]>
  • Get main config account pda and bump.

    Returns Promise<[PublicKey, number]>

  • getSolConfigAccountData(solConfigAccountPDA: PublicKey): Promise<DecodeStruct<{ fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "bankSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "mainSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "solSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "tokenSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserSolAction" } }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserTokenAction" } }]; kind: "struct" }, DecodedHelper<[{ name: "UserSolAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }, { name: "UserTokenAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }], EmptyDefined>>>
  • Get sol config account pda data.


    • solConfigAccountPDA: PublicKey

      Sol config account pda for data.

    Returns Promise<DecodeStruct<{ fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "bankSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "mainSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "solSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "tokenSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserSolAction" } }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserTokenAction" } }]; kind: "struct" }, DecodedHelper<[{ name: "UserSolAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }, { name: "UserTokenAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }], EmptyDefined>>>

  • getSolConfigAccountPDAAndBump(bankConfigAccountPDA: PublicKey): Promise<[PublicKey, number]>
  • Get sol config account pda and bump.


    • bankConfigAccountPDA: PublicKey

      Bank config account pda for the seed.

    Returns Promise<[PublicKey, number]>

  • getSolDepositPoolAccountPDAAndBump(solConfigAccountPDA: PublicKey): Promise<[PublicKey, number]>
  • Get sol deposit pool account pda and bump.


    • solConfigAccountPDA: PublicKey

      Sol config account pda for the seed.

    Returns Promise<[PublicKey, number]>

  • getSolDistributionPoolAccountPDAAndBump(solConfigAccountPDA: PublicKey): Promise<[PublicKey, number]>
  • Get sol distribution pool account pda and bump.


    • solConfigAccountPDA: PublicKey

      Sol config account pda for the seed.

    Returns Promise<[PublicKey, number]>

  • getTokenConfigAccountData(tokenConfigAccountPDA: PublicKey): Promise<DecodeStruct<{ fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "bankSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "mainSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "solSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "tokenSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserSolAction" } }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserTokenAction" } }]; kind: "struct" }, DecodedHelper<[{ name: "UserSolAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }, { name: "UserTokenAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }], EmptyDefined>>>
  • Get token config account pda data.


    • tokenConfigAccountPDA: PublicKey

      Token config account pda for data.

    Returns Promise<DecodeStruct<{ fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "bankSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "mainSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "solSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "tokenSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserSolAction" } }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserTokenAction" } }]; kind: "struct" }, DecodedHelper<[{ name: "UserSolAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }, { name: "UserTokenAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }], EmptyDefined>>>

  • getTokenConfigAccountPDAAndBump(bankConfigAccountPDA: PublicKey, tokenMintAccount: PublicKey): Promise<[PublicKey, number]>
  • Get token config account pda and bump.


    • bankConfigAccountPDA: PublicKey

      Bank config account pda for the seed.

    • tokenMintAccount: PublicKey

      Token mint account for the seed.

    Returns Promise<[PublicKey, number]>

  • getTokenDepositPoolAccountPDAAndBump(tokenConfigAccountPDA: PublicKey, tokenMintAccount: PublicKey): Promise<[PublicKey, number]>
  • Get token deposit pool account pda and bump.


    • tokenConfigAccountPDA: PublicKey

      Token config account pda for the seed.

    • tokenMintAccount: PublicKey

      Token mint account for the seed.

    Returns Promise<[PublicKey, number]>

  • getTokenDepositPoolTokenAccountPDAAndBump(tokenDepositPoolAccountPDA: PublicKey, tokenMintAccount: PublicKey): Promise<[PublicKey, number]>
  • Get token deposit pool token account pda and bump.


    • tokenDepositPoolAccountPDA: PublicKey

      Token deposit pool account pda for the seed.

    • tokenMintAccount: PublicKey

      Token mint account for the seed.

    Returns Promise<[PublicKey, number]>

  • getTokenDistributionPoolAccountPDAAndBump(tokenConfigAccountPDA: PublicKey, tokenMintAccount: PublicKey): Promise<[PublicKey, number]>
  • Get token distribution pool account pda and bump.


    • tokenConfigAccountPDA: PublicKey

      Token config account pda for the seed.

    • tokenMintAccount: PublicKey

      Token mint account for the seed.

    Returns Promise<[PublicKey, number]>

  • getTokenDistributionPoolTokenAccountPDAAndBump(tokenDistributionPoolAccountPDA: PublicKey, tokenMintAccount: PublicKey): Promise<[PublicKey, number]>
  • Get token distribution pool token account pda and bump.


    • tokenDistributionPoolAccountPDA: PublicKey

      Token distribution pool account pda for the seed.

    • tokenMintAccount: PublicKey

      Token mint account for the seed.

    Returns Promise<[PublicKey, number]>

  • getUserSolAccountData(userSolAccountPDA: PublicKey): Promise<DecodeStruct<{ fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "bankSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "mainSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "solSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "tokenSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserSolAction" } }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserTokenAction" } }]; kind: "struct" }, DecodedHelper<[{ name: "UserSolAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }, { name: "UserTokenAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }], EmptyDefined>>>
  • Get user sol config account pda data.


    • userSolAccountPDA: PublicKey

      User sol config account pda for data.

    Returns Promise<DecodeStruct<{ fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "bankSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "mainSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "solSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "tokenSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserSolAction" } }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserTokenAction" } }]; kind: "struct" }, DecodedHelper<[{ name: "UserSolAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }, { name: "UserTokenAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }], EmptyDefined>>>

  • getUserSolAccountPDAAndBump(bankConfigAccountPDA: PublicKey, solConfigAccountPDA: PublicKey, user: PublicKey): Promise<[PublicKey, number]>
  • Get user sol config account pda and bump.


    • bankConfigAccountPDA: PublicKey

      Bank config account pda for the seed.

    • solConfigAccountPDA: PublicKey

      Sol config account for the seed.

    • user: PublicKey

      User for the seed.

    Returns Promise<[PublicKey, number]>

  • getUserTokenAccountData(userTokenAccountPDA: PublicKey): Promise<DecodeStruct<{ fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "bankSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "mainSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "solSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "tokenSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserSolAction" } }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserTokenAction" } }]; kind: "struct" }, DecodedHelper<[{ name: "UserSolAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }, { name: "UserTokenAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }], EmptyDefined>>>
  • Get user token config account pda data.


    • userTokenAccountPDA: PublicKey

      User token config account pda for data.

    Returns Promise<DecodeStruct<{ fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "bankSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["current deposit amount"]; name: "currentValue"; type: "u64" }, { docs: ["total deposited amount"]; name: "totalValue"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { docs: ["program main signing authority"]; name: "mainSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "solSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "tokenSigningAuthority"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "incomeAccount"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "isMinWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "isMaxWithdrawEnable"; type: "bool" }, { name: "minWithdraw"; type: "u64" }, { name: "maxWithdraw"; type: "u64" }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserSolAction" } }]; kind: "struct" } | { fields: [{ docs: ["timestamp when account updated"]; name: "lastBlockTimestamp"; type: "i64" }, { name: "user"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "mint"; type: "publicKey" }, { name: "totalDepositValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalWithdrawValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalSpendValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "totalDistributeValue"; type: "u64" }, { name: "lastAction"; type: { defined: "UserTokenAction" } }]; kind: "struct" }, DecodedHelper<[{ name: "UserSolAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }, { name: "UserTokenAction"; type: { kind: "enum"; variants: [{ name: "None" }, { name: "Deposit" }, { name: "Withdraw" }, { name: "Spend" }, { name: "Distribute" }] } }], EmptyDefined>>>

  • getUserTokenAccountPDAAndBump(bankConfigAccountPDA: PublicKey, tokenConfigAccountPDA: PublicKey, tokenMintAccount: PublicKey, user: PublicKey): Promise<[PublicKey, number]>
  • Get user sol config account pda and bump.


    • bankConfigAccountPDA: PublicKey

      Bank config account pda for the seed.

    • tokenConfigAccountPDA: PublicKey

      Token config account for the seed.

    • tokenMintAccount: PublicKey

      Token mint account for the seed.

    • user: PublicKey

      User for the seed.

    Returns Promise<[PublicKey, number]>

  • isPdaAddressInitialize(pdaAddress: PublicKey): Promise<boolean>
  • Is pda address initialize.


    • pdaAddress: PublicKey

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • removeEventListener(eventId: number): Promise<void>
  • Remove event listener.


    • eventId: number

      Event id which need to remove.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • signTransaction(tx: Transaction, secretKey: string): Transaction
  • Sign the transaction and add the signature in the transaction.


    • tx: Transaction

      Transaction object which needs to sign.

    • secretKey: string

      Transaction signer secret key (secret key in base58 string).

    Returns Transaction

Generated using TypeDoc