Transaction object where signature needs to add.
Signing authority public key from which secret key transaction is signed.
Signed transaction message signature.
Get the levelup account PDA address.
NFT address send as seed for getting the PDA address.
Get level up account data stored in the PDA address from the on-chain Solana network.
PDA address where data is stored.
Get NFT Level from the NFT address (if nft does not exist on the network then it will throw the error "PDA not exist")
NFT address which level will get.
Get NFT Level from the NFT address (if nft does not exist on the network then it returns the 0 by default)
NFT address which level will get.
Get info is the given PDA address exists on the Solana network.
PDA address which info is checking on Solana network.
Sign the transaction and add the signature in the transaction.
Transaction object which needs to sign.
Transaction signer secret key (secret key in base58 string).
Create the level update transaction object.
NFT address which level needs to update
user public address who's going to sign the transaction and going to pay for the transaction fee
New level of the NFT
Signing authority public address which going to sign the transaction
Generated using TypeDoc
Add update authority signature in the transaction.