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  • MirrorGenerationTwoLib






  • new MirrorGenerationTwoLib(programId: PublicKey, connection: Connection, wallet: Wallet): MirrorGenerationTwoLib
  • Parameters

    • programId: PublicKey
    • connection: Connection
    • wallet: Wallet

    Returns MirrorGenerationTwoLib


connection: Connection
program: Program<MirrorGenerationTwo>


  • addFeePayerAndRecentBlockHashInTransaction(tx: Transaction, feePayer: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Add signature in the transaction.


    • tx: Transaction

      Transaction object where signature needs to add.

    • feePayer: PublicKey

      public key of the address which going to pay the fee.

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • addSignatureInTransaction(tx: Transaction, signerAddress: PublicKey, signature: Buffer): Transaction
  • Add signature in the transaction.


    • tx: Transaction

      Transaction object where signature needs to add.

    • signerAddress: PublicKey

      Signer public key from which secret key transaction is signed.

    • signature: Buffer

      Signed transaction message signature.

    Returns Transaction

  • createAirdropFroReserveTransaction(uuid: string, tokenId: string | number, signingAuthority: PublicKey, user: PublicKey, collectionKey: PublicKey, tokenProgram?: PublicKey, associatedTokenProgram?: PublicKey, systemProgram?: PublicKey, rent?: PublicKey, mplProgramId?: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • create airdrop from reserve transaction.


    • uuid: string

      seed for getting the mint account pda

    • tokenId: string | number

      token id of the nft

    • signingAuthority: PublicKey

      signing authority of the program

    • user: PublicKey

      owner od the nft

    • collectionKey: PublicKey

      collection key of the nft

    • tokenProgram: PublicKey = TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      token program id

    • associatedTokenProgram: PublicKey = ASSOCIATED_TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      collection key of the nft

    • systemProgram: PublicKey = SystemProgram.programId

      system program id

    • rent: PublicKey = SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY

      rent program id

    • mplProgramId: PublicKey = METADATA_PROGRAM_ID

      metadata program id

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createAirdropTransaction(uuid: string, signingAuthority: PublicKey, user: PublicKey, collectionKey: PublicKey, tokenProgram?: PublicKey, associatedTokenProgram?: PublicKey, systemProgram?: PublicKey, rent?: PublicKey, mplProgramId?: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • create airdrop transaction.


    • uuid: string

      seed for getting the mint account pda

    • signingAuthority: PublicKey

      signing authority of the program

    • user: PublicKey

      owner od the nft

    • collectionKey: PublicKey

      collection key of the nft

    • tokenProgram: PublicKey = TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      token program id

    • associatedTokenProgram: PublicKey = ASSOCIATED_TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      associated token program id

    • systemProgram: PublicKey = SystemProgram.programId

      system program id

    • rent: PublicKey = SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY

      rent program id

    • mplProgramId: PublicKey = METADATA_PROGRAM_ID

      metadata program id

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createFreeMintFromReserveTransaction(uuid: string, tokenId: string | number, signingAuthority: PublicKey, user: PublicKey, collectionKey: PublicKey, tokenProgram?: PublicKey, associatedTokenProgram?: PublicKey, systemProgram?: PublicKey, rent?: PublicKey, mplProgramId?: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • create free mint from reserve transaction.


    • uuid: string

      seed for getting the mint account pda

    • tokenId: string | number

      token id of the nft

    • signingAuthority: PublicKey

      signing authority of the program

    • user: PublicKey

      owner od the nft

    • collectionKey: PublicKey

      collection key of the nft

    • tokenProgram: PublicKey = TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      token program id

    • associatedTokenProgram: PublicKey = ASSOCIATED_TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      associated token program id

    • systemProgram: PublicKey = SystemProgram.programId

      system program id

    • rent: PublicKey = SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY

      rent program id

    • mplProgramId: PublicKey = METADATA_PROGRAM_ID

      metadata program id

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createFreeMintTransaction(uuid: string, signingAuthority: PublicKey, user: PublicKey, collectionKey: PublicKey, tokenProgram?: PublicKey, associatedTokenProgram?: PublicKey, systemProgram?: PublicKey, rent?: PublicKey, mplProgramId?: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • create free mint transaction.


    • uuid: string

      seed for getting the mint account pda

    • signingAuthority: PublicKey

      signing authority of the program

    • user: PublicKey

      owner od the nft

    • collectionKey: PublicKey

      collection key of the nft

    • tokenProgram: PublicKey = TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      token program id

    • associatedTokenProgram: PublicKey = ASSOCIATED_TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      associated token program id

    • systemProgram: PublicKey = SystemProgram.programId

      system program id

    • rent: PublicKey = SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY

      rent program id

    • mplProgramId: PublicKey = METADATA_PROGRAM_ID

      metadata program id

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createInitializeConfigTransaction(name: string, symbol: string, baseUri: string, suffix: string, sellerFeeBasisPoints: number, priviewsTokenIdRange: string | number, reserveTokenIdRange: string | number, tokenIdRange: string | number, isTokenIdRangeEnable: boolean, isTokenPaymentEnable: boolean, isNativeTokenPaymentEnable: boolean, isAirdropEnable: boolean, isFreeMintEnable: boolean, isMutable: boolean, isPaymentReceiptMintEnable: boolean, signingAuthority: PublicKey, incomeAccount: PublicKey, collectionKey: PublicKey, systemProgram?: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create initialize config transaction.


    name name of the token


    • name: string
    • symbol: string
    • baseUri: string
    • suffix: string
    • sellerFeeBasisPoints: number
    • priviewsTokenIdRange: string | number
    • reserveTokenIdRange: string | number
    • tokenIdRange: string | number
    • isTokenIdRangeEnable: boolean
    • isTokenPaymentEnable: boolean
    • isNativeTokenPaymentEnable: boolean
    • isAirdropEnable: boolean
    • isFreeMintEnable: boolean
    • isMutable: boolean
    • isPaymentReceiptMintEnable: boolean
    • signingAuthority: PublicKey
    • incomeAccount: PublicKey
    • collectionKey: PublicKey
    • systemProgram: PublicKey = SystemProgram.programId

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createInitializePaymentReceiptItemTransaction(paymentReceiptPda: PublicKey, uuid: string, tokenId: string | number, signingAuthority: PublicKey, user: PublicKey, tokenProgram?: PublicKey, associatedTokenProgram?: PublicKey, systemProgram?: PublicKey, rent?: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create initialize payment receipt item transaction.


    • paymentReceiptPda: PublicKey

      payment receipt pda

    • uuid: string

      seed for getting the mint account pda

    • tokenId: string | number

      token id of the nft

    • signingAuthority: PublicKey

      signing authority of the program

    • user: PublicKey

      owner od the nft

    • tokenProgram: PublicKey = TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      token program id

    • associatedTokenProgram: PublicKey = ASSOCIATED_TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      associated token program id

    • systemProgram: PublicKey = SystemProgram.programId

      system program id

    • rent: PublicKey = SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY

      rent program id

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createInitializeTokenPaymentConfigTransaction(mintAccount: PublicKey, signingAuthority: PublicKey, decimalPoint: number): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create initialize token payment config transaction.


    • mintAccount: PublicKey

      mint account

    • signingAuthority: PublicKey

      signing authority of the program

    • decimalPoint: number

      token decimal point

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createMintPaymentReceiptItemFromPaymentReceiptPdaTransaction(paymentReceiptPda: PublicKey, uuid: string, tokenId: string | number, signingAuthority: PublicKey, user: PublicKey, collectionKey: PublicKey, tokenProgram?: PublicKey, associatedTokenProgram?: PublicKey, systemProgram?: PublicKey, rent?: PublicKey, mplProgramId?: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create mint payment receipt item from payment receipt pda transaction.


    • paymentReceiptPda: PublicKey

      payment receipt pda

    • uuid: string

      seed for getting the mint account pda

    • tokenId: string | number

      token id of the nft

    • signingAuthority: PublicKey

      signing authority of the program

    • user: PublicKey

      owner od the nft

    • collectionKey: PublicKey

      collection key of the nft

    • tokenProgram: PublicKey = TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      token program id

    • associatedTokenProgram: PublicKey = ASSOCIATED_TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      associated token program id

    • systemProgram: PublicKey = SystemProgram.programId

      system program id

    • rent: PublicKey = SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY

      rent program id

    • mplProgramId: PublicKey = METADATA_PROGRAM_ID

      metadata program id

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createMintPaymentReceiptItemTransaction(paymentReceiptUuid: string, uuid: string, tokenId: string | number, signingAuthority: PublicKey, user: PublicKey, collectionKey: PublicKey, tokenProgram?: PublicKey, associatedTokenProgram?: PublicKey, systemProgram?: PublicKey, rent?: PublicKey, mplProgramId?: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create mint payment receipt item transaction.


    • paymentReceiptUuid: string

      seed for the payment receipt pda

    • uuid: string

      seed for getting the mint account pda

    • tokenId: string | number

      token id of the nft

    • signingAuthority: PublicKey

      signing authority of the program

    • user: PublicKey

      owner od the nft

    • collectionKey: PublicKey

      collection key of the nft

    • tokenProgram: PublicKey = TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      token program id

    • associatedTokenProgram: PublicKey = ASSOCIATED_TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      associated token program id

    • systemProgram: PublicKey = SystemProgram.programId

      system program id

    • rent: PublicKey = SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY

      rent program id

    • mplProgramId: PublicKey = METADATA_PROGRAM_ID

      metadata program id

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createMintWithNativeTokenPaymentFromReserveTransaction(uuid: string, tokenId: string | number, paymentAmount: string | number, incomeAccount: PublicKey, signingAuthority: PublicKey, user: PublicKey, collectionKey: PublicKey, tokenProgram?: PublicKey, associatedTokenProgram?: PublicKey, systemProgram?: PublicKey, rent?: PublicKey, mplProgramId?: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create mint with native token payment from reserve transaction.


    • uuid: string

      seed for getting the mint account pda

    • tokenId: string | number

      token id of the nft

    • paymentAmount: string | number

      payment amount for mint token

    • incomeAccount: PublicKey

      account for reciveing payment

    • signingAuthority: PublicKey

      signing authority of the program

    • user: PublicKey

      owner od the nft

    • collectionKey: PublicKey

      collection key of the nft

    • tokenProgram: PublicKey = TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      token program id

    • associatedTokenProgram: PublicKey = ASSOCIATED_TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      associated token program id

    • systemProgram: PublicKey = SystemProgram.programId

      system program id

    • rent: PublicKey = SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY

      rent program id

    • mplProgramId: PublicKey = METADATA_PROGRAM_ID

      metadata program id

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createMintWithNativeTokenPaymentTransaction(uuid: string, paymentAmount: string | number, incomeAccount: PublicKey, signingAuthority: PublicKey, user: PublicKey, collectionKey: PublicKey, tokenProgram?: PublicKey, associatedTokenProgram?: PublicKey, systemProgram?: PublicKey, rent?: PublicKey, mplProgramId?: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create mint with native token payment transaction.


    • uuid: string

      seed for getting the mint account pda

    • paymentAmount: string | number

      payment amount for mint token

    • incomeAccount: PublicKey

      account for reciveing payment

    • signingAuthority: PublicKey

      signing authority of the program

    • user: PublicKey

      owner od the nft

    • collectionKey: PublicKey

      collection key of the nft

    • tokenProgram: PublicKey = TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      token program id

    • associatedTokenProgram: PublicKey = ASSOCIATED_TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      associated token program id

    • systemProgram: PublicKey = SystemProgram.programId

      system program id

    • rent: PublicKey = SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY

      rent program id

    • mplProgramId: PublicKey = METADATA_PROGRAM_ID

      metadata program id

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createMintWithTokenPaymentFromReserveTransaction(uuid: string, tokenId: string | number, paymentAmount: string | number, incomeAccount: PublicKey, paymentTokenMintAccount: PublicKey, signingAuthority: PublicKey, user: PublicKey, collectionKey: PublicKey, tokenProgram?: PublicKey, associatedTokenProgram?: PublicKey, systemProgram?: PublicKey, rent?: PublicKey, mplProgramId?: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create mint with token payment from reserve transaction.


    • uuid: string

      seed for getting the mint account pda

    • tokenId: string | number

      token id of the nft

    • paymentAmount: string | number

      payment amount for mint token

    • incomeAccount: PublicKey

      account for reciveing payment

    • paymentTokenMintAccount: PublicKey

      payment token mint account

    • signingAuthority: PublicKey

      signing authority of the program

    • user: PublicKey

      owner od the nft

    • collectionKey: PublicKey

      collection key of the nft

    • tokenProgram: PublicKey = TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      token program id

    • associatedTokenProgram: PublicKey = ASSOCIATED_TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      associated token program id

    • systemProgram: PublicKey = SystemProgram.programId

      system program id

    • rent: PublicKey = SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY

      rent program id

    • mplProgramId: PublicKey = METADATA_PROGRAM_ID

      metadata program id

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createMintWithTokenPaymentTransaction(uuid: string, paymentAmount: string | number, incomeAccount: PublicKey, paymentTokenMintAccount: PublicKey, signingAuthority: PublicKey, user: PublicKey, collectionKey: PublicKey, tokenProgram?: PublicKey, associatedTokenProgram?: PublicKey, systemProgram?: PublicKey, rent?: PublicKey, mplProgramId?: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create mint with token payment transaction.


    • uuid: string

      seed for getting the mint account pda

    • paymentAmount: string | number

      payment amount for mint token

    • incomeAccount: PublicKey

      account for reciveing payment

    • paymentTokenMintAccount: PublicKey

      payment token mint account

    • signingAuthority: PublicKey

      signing authority of the program

    • user: PublicKey

      owner od the nft

    • collectionKey: PublicKey

      collection key of the nft

    • tokenProgram: PublicKey = TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      token program id

    • associatedTokenProgram: PublicKey = ASSOCIATED_TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      associated token program id

    • systemProgram: PublicKey = SystemProgram.programId

      system program id

    • rent: PublicKey = SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY

      rent program id

    • mplProgramId: PublicKey = METADATA_PROGRAM_ID

      metadata program id

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createPaymentReceiptFromReserveTransaction(uuid: string, tokenIds: number[], paymentAmount: string | number, incomeAccount: PublicKey, paymentTokenMintAccount: PublicKey, signingAuthority: PublicKey, user: PublicKey, collectionKey: PublicKey, feeAmount?: number, tokenProgram?: PublicKey, associatedTokenProgram?: PublicKey, systemProgram?: PublicKey, rent?: PublicKey, mplProgramId?: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create payment receipt from reserve transaction.


    • uuid: string

      seed for getting the mint account pda

    • tokenIds: number[]

      list token id of the nft

    • paymentAmount: string | number

      payment amount for mint token

    • incomeAccount: PublicKey

      account for reciveing payment

    • paymentTokenMintAccount: PublicKey

      payment token mint account

    • signingAuthority: PublicKey

      signing authority of the program

    • user: PublicKey

      owner od the nft

    • collectionKey: PublicKey

      collection key of the nft

    • feeAmount: number = 0

      fee for minting (optional)

    • tokenProgram: PublicKey = TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      token program id

    • associatedTokenProgram: PublicKey = ASSOCIATED_TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      associated token program id

    • systemProgram: PublicKey = SystemProgram.programId

      system program id

    • rent: PublicKey = SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY

      rent program id

    • mplProgramId: PublicKey = METADATA_PROGRAM_ID

      metadata program id

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createPaymentReceiptTransaction(uuid: string, tokenQuantity: number, paymentAmount: string | number, incomeAccount: PublicKey, paymentTokenMintAccount: PublicKey, signingAuthority: PublicKey, user: PublicKey, collectionKey: PublicKey, feeAmount?: number, tokenProgram?: PublicKey, associatedTokenProgram?: PublicKey, systemProgram?: PublicKey, rent?: PublicKey, mplProgramId?: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create payment receipt transaction.


    • uuid: string

      seed for getting the mint account pda

    • tokenQuantity: number

      token quantity

    • paymentAmount: string | number

      payment amount for mint token

    • incomeAccount: PublicKey

      account for reciveing payment

    • paymentTokenMintAccount: PublicKey

      payment token mint account

    • signingAuthority: PublicKey

      signing authority of the program

    • user: PublicKey

      owner od the nft

    • collectionKey: PublicKey

      collection key of the nft

    • feeAmount: number = 0

      fee for minting (optional)

    • tokenProgram: PublicKey = TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      token program id

    • associatedTokenProgram: PublicKey = ASSOCIATED_TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID

      associated token program id

    • systemProgram: PublicKey = SystemProgram.programId

      system program id

    • rent: PublicKey = SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY

      rent program id

    • mplProgramId: PublicKey = METADATA_PROGRAM_ID

      metadata program id

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createUpdateConfigAirdropDisableTransaction(signingAuthority: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create update config airdrop disable transaction.


    • signingAuthority: PublicKey

      signing authority of the program

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createUpdateConfigAirdropEnableTransaction(signingAuthority: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create update config airdrop enable transaction.


    • signingAuthority: PublicKey

      signing authority of the program

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createUpdateConfigCollectionTransaction(signingAuthority: PublicKey, collectionKey: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create update config collection transaction.


    • signingAuthority: PublicKey

      signing authority of the program

    • collectionKey: PublicKey

      nft collection key

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createUpdateConfigFreeMintDisableTransaction(signingAuthority: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create Update Config Free Mint Disable Transaction.


    • signingAuthority: PublicKey

      signing authority of the program

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createUpdateConfigFreeMintEnableTransaction(signingAuthority: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create Update Config Free Mint Enable Transaction.


    • signingAuthority: PublicKey

      signing authority of the program

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createUpdateConfigIncomeAccountTransaction(incomeAccount: PublicKey, signingAuthority: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create update config income account Transaction.


    • incomeAccount: PublicKey

      new income account.

    • signingAuthority: PublicKey

      signing authority of the program

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createUpdateConfigIsMutableTransaction(signingAuthority: PublicKey, isMutable: boolean): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create update config is mutable transaction.


    • signingAuthority: PublicKey

      signing authority of the program

    • isMutable: boolean

      is nft metadata mutable

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createUpdateConfigNativeTokenPaymentDisableTransaction(signingAuthority: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • create update config native token payment disable transaction.


    • signingAuthority: PublicKey

      signing authority of the program

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createUpdateConfigNativeTokenPaymentEnableTransaction(signingAuthority: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • create update config native token payment enable transaction.


    • signingAuthority: PublicKey

      signing authority of the program

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createUpdateConfigPaymentReceiptMintDisableTransaction(signingAuthority: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • create update config payment receipt mint disable transaction.


    • signingAuthority: PublicKey

      signing authority of the program

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createUpdateConfigPaymentReceiptMintEnableTransaction(signingAuthority: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • create update config payment receipt mint enable transaction.


    • signingAuthority: PublicKey

      signing authority of the program

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createUpdateConfigTokenIdRangeDisableTransaction(signingAuthority: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create update config token id range disable transaction.


    • signingAuthority: PublicKey

      signing authority of the program

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createUpdateConfigTokenIdRangeEnableTransaction(signingAuthority: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create update config token id range enable transaction.


    • signingAuthority: PublicKey

      signing authority of the program

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createUpdateConfigTokenIdRangeTransaction(signingAuthority: PublicKey, tokenIdRange: string | number): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create update config token id range transaction.


    • signingAuthority: PublicKey

      signing authority of the program

    • tokenIdRange: string | number

      token id range for minting

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createUpdateConfigTokenPaymentDisableTransaction(signingAuthority: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create update config token payment disable transaction.


    • signingAuthority: PublicKey

      signing authority of the program

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createUpdateConfigTokenPaymentEnableTransaction(signingAuthority: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create update config token payment enable transaction.


    • signingAuthority: PublicKey

      signing authority of the program

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createUpdateTokenPaymentConfigDecimalTransaction(mintAccount: PublicKey, signingAuthority: PublicKey, decimalPoint: number): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create update token payment config decimal transaction.


    • mintAccount: PublicKey

      mint account

    • signingAuthority: PublicKey

      signing authority of the program

    • decimalPoint: number

      token decimal point

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createUpdateTokenPaymentConfigDisableTransaction(mintAccount: PublicKey, signingAuthority: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create update token payment config disable transaction.


    • mintAccount: PublicKey

      mint account

    • signingAuthority: PublicKey

      signing authority of the program

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • createUpdateTokenPaymentConfigEnableTransaction(mintAccount: PublicKey, signingAuthority: PublicKey): Promise<Transaction>
  • Create update token payment config enable transaction.


    • mintAccount: PublicKey

      mint account

    • signingAuthority: PublicKey

      signing authority of the program

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

  • getAllConfigAccount(): Promise<any>
  • get all config account

    Returns Promise<any>

  • getAllPaymentReceiptAccount(): Promise<any>
  • Get all payment receipt account

    Returns Promise<any>

  • getAllReserveTokenIdListAccount(): Promise<any>
  • Get all reserve token id list account

    Returns Promise<any>

  • getAllTokenPaymentConfigAccount(): Promise<any>
  • Get all token payment config account

    Returns Promise<any>

  • getConfigAccountPdaAddress(): Promise<PublicKey>
  • Get config account pda address.

    Returns Promise<PublicKey>

  • getConfigAccountPdaAndIsInitialized(): Promise<PublicKey>
  • Get config account and check is account is initialized on-chain Solana network.

    Returns Promise<PublicKey>

  • getConfigAccountPdaData(configAccountPda: PublicKey): Promise<any>
  • Get config account data stored in the PDA address from the on-chain Solana network.


    • configAccountPda: PublicKey

      PDA address where data is stored.

    Returns Promise<any>

  • getMasterEditionAccountPda(mintAccountPda: PublicKey, mplProgramId?: PublicKey): Promise<PublicKey>
  • Get master edition account pda.


    • mintAccountPda: PublicKey

      token mint account

    • mplProgramId: PublicKey = METADATA_PROGRAM_ID

      metadata program id

    Returns Promise<PublicKey>

  • getMetadataAccountPda(mintAccountPda: PublicKey, mplProgramId?: PublicKey): Promise<PublicKey>
  • Get metadata account pda.


    • mintAccountPda: PublicKey

      token mint account

    • mplProgramId: PublicKey = METADATA_PROGRAM_ID

      metadata program id

    Returns Promise<PublicKey>

  • getMintAccountPda(uuid: string): Promise<PublicKey>
  • Get mint account pda.


    • uuid: string

      seed for getting the mint account pda

    Returns Promise<PublicKey>

  • getPaymentReceiptPdaAddress(uuid: string): Promise<PublicKey>
  • Get payment receipt pda address


    • uuid: string

      seed for pda address

    Returns Promise<PublicKey>

  • getPaymentReceiptPdaData(paymentReceiptPdaAddress: PublicKey): Promise<any>
  • Get payment receipt pda data


    • paymentReceiptPdaAddress: PublicKey

      pda address for data

    Returns Promise<any>

  • getReserveTokenIdListAccountData(reserveTokenIdListAccountPda: PublicKey): Promise<any>
  • Get reserve token id list account data stored in the PDA address from the on-chain Solana network.


    • reserveTokenIdListAccountPda: PublicKey

      PDA address where data is stored.

    Returns Promise<any>

  • getReserveTokenIdListOnePdsAddress(): Promise<PublicKey>
  • Get reserve token id list one pds address.

    Returns Promise<PublicKey>

  • getReserveTokenIdListTwoPdsAddress(): Promise<PublicKey>
  • Get reserve token id list two pds address.

    Returns Promise<PublicKey>

  • getTokenAccountPda(mintAccountPda: PublicKey, owner: PublicKey): Promise<PublicKey>
  • Get token account pda.


    • mintAccountPda: PublicKey

      token mint account

    • owner: PublicKey

      owner of the token account

    Returns Promise<PublicKey>

  • getTokenPaymentConfigAccountData(tokenPaymentConfigAccountPda: PublicKey): Promise<any>
  • Get token payment config account data.


    • tokenPaymentConfigAccountPda: PublicKey

    Returns Promise<any>

  • getTokenPaymentConfigAccountPdaAddress(mintAccount: PublicKey): Promise<PublicKey>
  • Get token payment config account pda address.


    • mintAccount: PublicKey

      mint account public key.

    Returns Promise<PublicKey>

  • isPdaAddressInitialize(pdaAddress: PublicKey): Promise<boolean>
  • Is pda address initialize.


    • pdaAddress: PublicKey

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • signTransaction(tx: Transaction, secretKey: string): Transaction
  • Sign the transaction and add the signature in the transaction.


    • tx: Transaction

      Transaction object which needs to sign.

    • secretKey: string

      Transaction signer secret key (secret key in base58 string).

    Returns Transaction

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